Server regulations:
1) All registered users of {server_name} server must agree with every point of these rules. Disagreement with at least one paragraph of these rules, prohibits the use of the site and forum, and live in the world of {server_name}.
2) All accounts, characters, game items, and committed action (game play) are the exclusive property of the server and are protected by copyright and are an intellectual property.
3) Sale of anything for real money and virtual currencies, equated to real money, as well as any type of exchange and sale of the characters is forbidden. For violation of this rule, you will receive a warning or an instant block of accounts of buyer and seller.
4) Server Administration provides lifetime guarantee to your accounts, achievements, characters and their achievements.
5) Purchase of valuable items from other players is allowed at your own risk. The administration ensures the complete safety of only those items and services that you purchased at our shop online.
6) Administration is not tolerant for perjury by players. Any player, who will bear a false witness, will be warned or will receive a block to all his accounts, characters and forum access.
7) PVP balance changes are made on the server ONLY after they have been voted on by players. PVP changes to the game balance are documented and published on the server's home page AFTER they are made.
Any administrations decision is fair and competent.
1. Relations with administration:
1.1. Disrespectful attitude to the server staff and server itself are forbidden.
Penalty: block of Character + Account for 7 days * number of violations.
1.2. Threats against server staff and server itself are forbidden.
Penalty: block of Character + Account for 7 days * number of violations.
2. Using restricted software:
2.1. It is forbidden to use any macros or any kind of programs for automation processes, which gives you bonuses, achievement points, and any other personal gain.
Note: Usage of combo clickers is prohibited.
Penalty: block of Character + Account for 7 days * number of violations.
2.2. It is forbidden to use Speedhack, Hithack and other serious cheat programs.
Penalty: block of Character + Account for 30 days * number of violations.
3. Exploiting server bugs and weaknesses:
3.1. It is forbidden to use errors of the server (bugs). By error means any actions, that not provided by gameplay and aimed to personal benefits.
It is forbidden to use any programs for the game hacking and changing the game files for personal benefits.
Explanation: It is allowed to modify the game client files in order to increase your computers performance by completely or partially removing certain animations, objects, effects or items. However it is forbidden to change the visual appearance of these things in order to gain advantage in fights. It is also forbidden to visually change any elements of the interface which might give you an advantage in fight situations. Increasing the performance of your computer does not count as an advantage.
Penalty: block of Character + Account for 7 days * number of violations.
Note: By bugs also means using for personal benefits ALT+F4 combination and "switch character" (mainly used for that you could not be killed or if after you have killed, not to run from far away) and walk through the characters with help of Horn of Uniria or warp to inadmissible locations.
3.2. If you have found a new bug, report it immediately to administration on the email: {server_email}.
4. Gameplay:
4.1. Incitement of ethnic hatred between the players is forbidden.
Penalty: Chat ban on characters on the account, or block of Character + Account for a period of 7 days * number of violations.
4.2. Humiliation of players and the use of obscene language.
Penalty: Chat ban on characters on the account, or block of Character + Account for a period of 24 hours * number of violations.
Note: Abuses like - dumb, noob e.t.c will not be reviewed.
4.3. It is forbidden to mention relatives and family in verbal altercations, in any context, and interpretation.
Penalty: Chat ban on characters on the account for a period of 3 days * number of violations.
4.4. Advertisement of other, not {server_name} game server, is forbidden.
Penalty: block of Character + Account for a period of 30 days, but also could be a permanent block.
4.5. It is forbidden to interfere with Game Master during the events.
Penalty: block of Character for 1 hour * number of violations.
4.6. It is forbidden to humiliate and (or) offend relatives and family.
Penalty: block of Character + Account for a period of 7 days * number of violations.
4.7. Threatening in real life.
Penalty: block of Character + Account for a period of 7 days * number of violations.
4.8. It is forbidden to keep breaking the rules from other characters if your main character has already been chat banned.
Penalty: Ban of character (twink and main) + account for 3 days * number of violations.
4.9. In Team Deathmatch, Illusion Temple event it is prohibited to be inactive, as well as dishonest ways to get points are forbidden. (giveaway, agreements, game in 2 game windows, etc.)
Penalty: block of Character + Account for a period of 7 days * number of violations.
Note: Inactivity is classified when your character stays at the same place for more than 30 seconds. When recording a video, this point must be clearly visible.
4.10. During Castle Siege Guild master of the attacking (guild or alliance) can’t take the crown switches. He can only hold the main crown. Players from different alliances can't be in one party with their enemy.
Penalty: block of Character + Account (Important! If make different-fake account, block related acc or/and HWID) for a period of 14 days * number of violations.
4.11. Crafting fake screenshots or misleading server administration in any way is forbidden.
Penalty: block of Character + Account for a period of 30 days * number of violations.
4.12. It is forbidden to use alt+F4 (or any other game closing option) in Kalima maps, if you have been attacked by someone and the Self-defense mode has been activated.
When the player has disappeared, the attacker needs to write him in PM, so that it could be seen on the video, that the system message "No users" (character offline) is shown.
Note: After character's disappearance, the attacker should write him a private message, so on the video, there could be seen a system message "No users" (person went offline),
Penalty: block of Character + Account for a period of 7 days * number of violations.
4.13. If person doesn't do his part of the contractual deal gets banned for breaking rule.
Penalty: block of Character + Account for a period of 21 days * number of violations.
4.14. If more than one person have access to the e-mail of account, account will be blocked. Account will be blocked until moment, when access to the e-mail will be only for one person.
Penalty: block of Account until problem will be solved.
4.15. It is forbidden to create a characters nicknames with the obscene language or any humiliation words.
Penalty: block of Account until problem will be solved.
4.16. It is forbidden to create characters with nick names that are similar or the same as the ones that administration or senate members are using in the current moment.
Penalty: block of Account until problem will be solved.
4.17. voting exploiting – earning excess bonuses with voting from multiple (3 and more) accounts. We have a working principle – 1 player - 1 vote.
Note: Bearing in mind that players sometimes play for 2 accounts at the same time, the players has rights to vote for both accounts. The administration can check the second account for it’s activities. If the second accounts only activity is voting each day, then this kind of account can be viewed as a tool for bonus/voting exploiting.
Penalty: block of Account until problem will be solved.
4.18. Malicious sabotage of the interests of the server and its players.
Explanation: You purposely and regularly provoke other players to violate rules of the server, and then create reports about them, in order to ban them.
4.19. To processing of personal data in EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and provide best gaming experence, we save in database only non expired player accounts:
4.19.1. Players who have not been online for more than 14 days - on 15-th day lost one reset and 10% of stats.
4.19.2. Players who have not been online for more than 60 days - their accounts will be suspended. To login, need account re-activation.
4.19.3. Players who have not been online for more than 90 days - their accounts and personal data irreversibly be deleted from servers database.
4.20. Excessive PK that violates the spirit of PVP gaming and prevents other players from playing the game ad enjoying it will be delt on an individual matter and reviewed by GM team.
Penalty: block of Character for a period of 1 day * number of violations.
4.21. The owner of the server has the right to block the player's account if systematic violations are committed and the operation of the server is disrupted. This right is absolute, and the co-owner or GameMasters cannot be forced to act against his will.
Important Note: This rules will be applied as a last resort, if requests to moderate their steam will not be heard. For the first time warning will be issued, then followed by punishment with all severity. There are situations in which Game Masters make decisions based not on rules but on norms of communication and the scenery.
Explanation 2: You scam other players, make deals with them out of contractual and warranty deals legal field.
Note 2: For the first time warning will be issued, then followed by punishment with all severity.
Penalty: block of Character + Account for a period of 7 days * number of violations.
5. Donations:
5.0. This is Play4free private server and owner do not issue refunds for digital products once an order has been shipped. You make a donation for the server exclusively voluntarily! In return, you get in-game currency! We encourage you to contact us for assistance if you have any problems obtaining or using our products.
5.1. By make a donation to our game server, on our website, you agree that, due to the nature of the products sold, by make a voluntary donation you will receive virtual game values, which are digital, there is no refund under any circumstance.
5.2. Receiving game currency (shipping) is instant! If you send any payment, you agree that you will not dispute or ask for a partial or full refund. If you do not agree to the above, do not pay anything.
Penalty: block of Account permanent.