
Guides - Game

Messenger of Archangel
Messenger of ArchangelOne of the strongest warriors in the Continent of MU, the Archangel, has secretly been laying watch over the lands that he has sworn to protect. Messenger Of Archangel offers entry into the Blood Castle Mini-game. As Kundun presence approaches, the archangel has been warding off all the monsters trying to invade the Continent of MU.
Royal Guard Captain Lorence
Royal Guard Captain LorenceRoyal Guard Captain Lorence allows experienced players to create an official Guild! A Guild is a groups of players which support each other as a small community. There are many Mini-games which involve Guild participation, and therefore being part of a strong Guild can be very rewarding! NPC located at Devias (215, 46).
Stone Statue
Stone Statue환영사원 - Illusion Temple Welcome staff
Illusion Sorcerer Elder
Illusion Sorcerer Elder환영사원 - Illusion Temple Welcome staff
Jerint the Assistant
Jerint the AssistantFortress of Imperial Guardian is one of the newest event additional to the Mu Continents. NPC for entry to the Fortress of Imperial Guardian Event is located in Devias 3 at the coordinates (229, 221).
제국 수호군 입장 NPC - Imperial Guardian Entry Season 5 NPC
Sir Lesnar
Sir Lesnar
Captain Slough
Captain Slough
Boss Battle Event
Boss Battle Event
Trap로랜협곡 - Loren Canyon (Castle Siege) NPC
Castle Gate
Castle GateThe castle gates have defensive power/durability (HP) and can only be attacked during the Blood Castle event. The castle gates are divided into 2 parts; with an outer part and an inner part It is possible to penetrate the castle even if only one gate is destroyed.
블러드캐슬성문석관 - Blood Castle Castle Gate
Statue of Saint
Statue of SaintAfter you've killed the requiered magic skulls in Blood Castle there is one last challenge - to destroy the Statue of Saint which drops the quest item, an archangel weapon.
절대지팡이석관 - Absolute Staff
Statue of Saint
Statue of Saint절대검석관 - Absolute Swordsman
Statue of Saint
Statue of Saint절대석궁석관 - Absolute Crossbow
Wolf Status
Wolf Status크라이울프신상및오브젝트넘버 - Crywolf profile and object
Wolf Altar 1
Wolf Altar 1크라이울프신상및오브젝트넘버 - Crywolf profile and object
Wolf Altar 2
Wolf Altar 2크라이울프신상및오브젝트넘버 - Crywolf profile and object
Wolf Altar 3
Wolf Altar 3크라이울프신상및오브젝트넘버 - Crywolf profile and object
Wolf Altar 4
Wolf Altar 4크라이울프신상및오브젝트넘버 - Crywolf profile and object
Wolf Altar 5
Wolf Altar 5크라이울프신상및오브젝트넘버 - Crywolf profile and object
ShieldThe upper floor of the Dragon tower houses a pedestal with the official seal of the lord of the castle. When the guild master of the alliance succeeds in registering the official seal with the pedestal, their sword symbols will turn into shields and they will now have to defend the castle. The guild with their official seal registered at the end of the siege will be the lord of the castle.
로랜협곡 - Loren Canyon (Castle Siege) NPC
CrownWhen the Guild Master of the attacking alliance sets their seal, the Sword Icon above their head will change to the Shield Icon, and they will have to defend their castle. The guild whose seal (Crown) is in place at the end of the siege becomes the owner of the castle.
로랜협곡 - Loren Canyon (Castle Siege) NPC
Crown Switch 2
Crown Switch 2To win, the GM's seal must register on the Crown Switch located in the Dragon Tower, if he succeeds, the owner of the castle will change.
로랜협곡 - Loren Canyon (Castle Siege) NPC
Crown Switch 1
Crown Switch 1To win, the GM's seal must register on the Crown Switch located in the Dragon Tower, if he succeeds, the owner of the castle will change.
로랜협곡 - Loren Canyon (Castle Siege) NPC
Castle Gate Switch
Castle Gate Switch로랜협곡 - Loren Canyon (Castle Siege) NPC
GatekeeperThe Gatekeeper is the one who will be in-charge of the entrance to the Land Of Trials .You will need to talk to him if you wanna enter. However, he only lets in specific players, but that would depend on the decision of the current Guild Master who owns the Castle. The Gatekeeper is located at coordinates (139,99) of Valley of Loren.
로랜협곡 - Loren Canyon (Castle Siege) NPC
Slingshot attack
Slingshot attackSiege weapons are placed in the respective places of the attacking and besieged teams. Click on a weapon to view the menu and select an area to attack. Players can watch a siege weapon attack.
로랜협곡 - Loren Canyon (Castle Siege) NPC
Slingshot defense
Slingshot defenseSiege weapons are placed in the respective places of the attacking and besieged teams. Click on a weapon to view the menu and select an area to defend. Players can watch a siege weapon defend.
로랜협곡 - Loren Canyon (Castle Siege) NPC
SeniorThe lord's mix item combination is one of the benefits of winning the weekly Castle Siege at the Valley of Loren in Castle Siege Server (19). This item combination is only available for the leader of Castle Siege's winning alliance which is called “Lord of the Castle“. All server custom excellent + level + luck + additional set items added on this combination NPC Senior, located on castle (179, 214) recepie list.
로랜협곡 - Loren Canyon (Castle Siege) NPC
GuardsmanThis is a NPC that use for registration in Castle Siege Event, which is only located in Castle Siege Server (19). Qualified guilds must talk to the Guardsman NPC and press the 'Announce' button and their registration will be accepted. NPC can be found on Valley of Loren (96, 60).
로랜협곡 - Loren Canyon (Castle Siege) NPC
TrainerPets are a big and important part of Mu Online, they help us, they let us ride them, they even attack for us! The pet trainer in Location of NPC Lorencia, Coordinates (122,110) resurrects the spirits of the dark lords pets.Size of Trainer storage 8 x 4 blocks Combination success rate Combination of of items to create pets will go up to 60% Zen consumption Appropriate amount of zen varies according to HP to be healed or type of pet being created.
Wandering Merchant Alex
Wandering Merchant AlexTraveling merchant. On new season Alex sells skill items and basic equipment items for thee Lancer character class.
Thompson Kenel
Thompson KenelNPC
ArchangelThe Archangel, injured and in peril; summons forth the warriors of MU, to come aid him in his most dire time of need. Unable to summon his strengths without his Divine Weapon of Archangel, you have been asked to infiltrate this now over ridden Castle and retrieve his weapon for him. Be the first to retrieve the Divine Weapon of Archangel, and return it to him will complete Blood Castle event.
Pet Trainer
Pet TrainerNPC
Golden Archer
Golden ArcherNPC
CharonCharon is a greedy ferrymen. He brings willing warriors to the realm of the devils called Devil Square, where they will face hordes of demons and hopefuly - win. Despite his greed and his cruel attitude, he is considerate enough to send warriors who can acquire an invitation. Charon offers entry into the Devil Square mini-game. Speak with him in Event Square in order to enter! However, you'll need to craft a Devil Square Invitation to enter! NPC can be found on Noria (172, 106).
Chaos Goblin
Chaos GoblinLocated in Noria, the Chaos Goblin Machine is used for crafting and upgrading items! The machine, which is managed by Goblins, is entirely powered with Jewels of Chaos. The machine is an ancient construction which converts jewels in order to manipulate, combine, and craft entirely new items! However, the technology isn't necessarily stable, and therefore it can occasionally destroy items during a combination. Either way, it will be one of the most useful NPCs in the game!
Arena Guard
Arena GuardArena Guard offers general items for sale including health potions, mana potions, Arrows and Bolts, Town Portal Scroll, Armor of Guardsman, and other miscellaneous items.
Safety Guardian
Safety GuardianSafety Guardian is a safe storage area where you can store valuable goods for a small Zen fee. This NPC is also known as the Vault. Withdrawal, deposit, and extended warehouse available
Elf Lala
Elf LalaNPC offers general recovery items and some equipment for low level Fairy Elf Character Class. Items for sale include armor for the Fairy Elf, Fairy Elf Skill Items, Potions, Arrows and Bolts, Town Portal Scroll, Armor of Guardsman, and other miscellaneous items. She is located Noria (173,125).
Eo the Craftsman
Eo the CraftsmanThe Wiseest Globin of all, has made the best decision, to help the good side, it is the best before being eliminated by an Fairy Elf. Eo the Craftsman sells bows and crossbows in Noria at coordinates (196, 123).
Caren the Barmaid
Caren the BarmaidEvent map ticket sales. Located Devias (226, 25).
Wizard Izabel
Wizard IzabelDon't let the attractive appearance of Isabelle fool you, she is one of the students of the great magician Charon and a master of her craft. Currently, on the orders of Charon, she helps to strengthen the magical power of Mages and sells books for learning spells, improved mage armor and various potions.
Weapons Merchant Zienna
Weapons Merchant ZiennaAt an early age, Zienna was abandoned in the forests of Hades and should have died of starvation or the clutches of some predator, but fortunately, the Elves found her and took her to them. As the years passed, Zienna grew up and increasingly began to notice that although the Elves showed concern, she felt uncomfortable. After all, it was not her race, not her worldview. Soon she decided to move to Devias and engage in trade. Due to their past, the Elves are the exclusive supplier of all items sold by Zienna.
Wandering Merchant Martin
Wandering Merchant MartinMartin sells general items like potions, arrows/bolts, Town Portal Scroll, and Armor of Guardsman. He will only appear in Crywolf if the server successfully defended the Crywolf Invasion!
Wandering Merchant
Wandering MerchantSelling Dark Knight, Magic Gladiator, Dark Lord, and Rage Fighter equipment. Outside the gate to the east of the Lorencia city is an exiled armor merchant, Harold. He sells, at slightly inflated prices, armor bought from wandering warriors. Located in Lorencia (183, 137).
Hanzo the Blacksmith
Hanzo the BlacksmithNPC Hanzo The Blacksmith sells shields and weapons. He is located in Lorencia, but you can also find him in Crywolf. Of course, he will only appear in Crywolf if the server successfully defended the Crywolf Invasion.
Potion Girl Amy
Potion Girl AmyAmy sells general items like potions, arrows/bolts, Town Portal Scroll, Armor of Guardsman, and other miscellaneous things.
Pasi the Mage
Pasi the MagePasi The Mage sells various skill items and some equipment items for the Dark Wizard or Magic Gladiator.
Lumen the Barmaid
Lumen the BarmaidOnce a famous dancer who was very popular all over the MuOnline continent, she is now a bar owner in Lorencia. Expressive and beautiful, she easily learns the latest news from the world of MU from travelers. She always has a bottle of excellent ale and time to talk heart to heart.
LahapLahap only appears during the Elemental Symbols Events. He will give you an Element Box in exchange for Elemental Symbols. He is located in Elveland and also appears in Crywolf if the server successfully defended the Crywolf Invasion.
로랜협곡 - Loren Canyon (Castle Siege) NPC
Shadow Phantom Soldier
Shadow Phantom SoldierShadow Phantom Soldiers are located throughout the continent. These soldiers have been trying to hold off the evil monsters being summoned by Kundun. Shadow Phantom Soldiers, for the last 2 years, have successfully maintained a few cities. Unfortunately, their now diminished forces are not strong enough to do it alone. They are recruiting almost anyone left on the continent to help fight off Kundun's evil. By completing their Quests, the Shadow Phantom Soldiers will guide you to become a great and knowledgable warrior; they will also grant handsome rewards!
로랜협곡 - Loren Canyon (Castle Siege) NPC
Oracle Layla
Oracle LaylaSell potions, meme converters, mercenaries, elemental runes, arrows. Located Kalima (7, 19).
칼리마 상점 NPC - Kalima Shop NPC
Castle Gate
Castle GateThe gates of the castle have a certain protective (Defense), strength (HP), durability (Durability), they can be attacked (but do not attack themselves) during the siege. While attacking a gate, the weapon's Durability drops quickly, so using Potion of Bless is highly recommended. The gate will not be restored until the siege is over. The gate can be upgraded to a maximum of 3 levels of protection and durability. (Improvement and restoration of the gate during the battle is not possible).
로랜협곡 - Loren Canyon (Castle Siege) NPC
Life Stone
Life Stone로랜협곡 - Loren Canyon (Castle Siege) NPC
Guardian Statue
Guardian StatueOnly players on the defending team can pass through the shield. HP/MP/AG is being restored near the statue. Recovery level can be raised to a maximum of 3. Statues have a certain protection, strength and durability, they can be attacked (but do not attack themselves) only during the siege. While attacking statues, the weapon's durability drops quickly, so using Potion of Bless is highly recommended. Statues can be upgraded to a maximum of 3 levels of protection, strength and durability (upgrading and restoring statues during battle is not possible). Once all 4 statues in the castle are destroyed, the Dragon Tower's shield will be removed.
로랜협곡 - Loren Canyon (Castle Siege) NPC
로랜협곡 - Loren Canyon (Castle Siege) NPC
Guardian로랜협곡 - Loren Canyon (Castle Siege) NPC
Canon Tower
Canon TowerAfter the battle starts, the Statues will be protected by towers. Towers attack players around them. Towers can be attacked and destroyed in the same way as Guardian Statues or Castle Gates. However, this is not required.
로랜협곡 - Loren Canyon (Castle Siege) NPC
Gateway Machine
Gateway Machine즌2 관련 NPC추가 인덱스 - Season 2 related NPCs added index
ElpisNPC is in charge of refining the gemstones in Jewel of Harmony, it is only possible to use it after having won the Kanturu event. The jewel can be refined from Gemstones with the help of Elpis inside the Refinery Tower. She is located to the end of Kanturu (29, 206).
즌2 관련 NPC추가 인덱스 - Season 2 related NPCs added index
OsbourneOsbourne is a goblin who excells at understanding in creating rare stones of Lower and Higher Refining Stone's. He works in eccentric ways to craft these stones wich enhances the powers of Jewels of Harmony. Many warriors who wishes to have strong gears sacrifices lots of armor and weapon peaces to obtain what they wish. NPC that refines normal and excellent items in refining stone is located in Aida at coordinates (80, 14)
즌2 관련 NPC추가 인덱스 - Season 2 related NPCs added index
JerridonJerridon the Goblin hails from the forests deep withing the Kingdom of Elves, the Noria. Like any other goblin he's knowledge about jewels are deep but he is particularly expert at understanding Jewels of Harmony, and is well respected throughout the Continent. Jeridon can be found at map of Aida (87, 14).
즌2 관련 NPC추가 인덱스 - Season 2 related NPCs added index
Elite Skull Soldier
Elite Skull Soldier즌2 관련 NPC추가 인덱스 - Season 2 related NPCs added index
Jack Olantern
Jack Olantern즌2 관련 NPC추가 인덱스 - Season 2 related NPCs added index
Santa즌2 관련 NPC추가 인덱스 - Season 2 related NPCs added index
Chaos Card Master
Chaos Card MasterHaving Chaos Card you will be able to try your luck and maybe you will get a wanted item. It is located in Lorencia at coordinates (133, 161).Chaos Card is a new option added since the Season 2 version that aims to create items (excellent, Jewels, Pets, Tickets) through a Chaos Card which is purchased with coins through the Mu Item Shop.
즌2 관련 NPC추가 인덱스 - Season 2 related NPCs added index
Pamela the Supplier
Pamela the SupplierPamela sells general items like potions, arrows/bolts, Town Portal Scroll, Armor of Guardsman, and other miscellaneous things.
즌2 관련 NPC추가 인덱스 - Season 2 related NPCs added index
Angela the Supplier
Angela the SupplierAngela The Supplier offers general items for sale including health potions, mana potions, Arrows and Bolts, Town Portal Scroll, Armor of Guardsman, and other miscellaneous items.
즌2 관련 NPC추가 인덱스 - Season 2 related NPCs added index
GameMaster즌2 관련 NPC추가 인덱스 - Season 2 related NPCs added index
Natasha the Firecracker Merchan
Natasha the Firecracker MerchanSell Firecrackers. Well, what holiday and wedding can do without fireworks? Natasha Firecracker Merchant has plenty of them, buy for health. Located Devias (32, 31).
즌2 관련 NPC추가 인덱스 - Season 2 related NPCs added index
MU Allies General
MU Allies General환영사원 - Illusion Temple Welcome staff
Alliance Sacred Item Storage
Alliance Sacred Item Storage환영사원 - Illusion Temple Welcome staff
Illusion Castle Sacred Item Sto
Illusion Castle Sacred Item Sto환영사원 - Illusion Temple Welcome staff
MirageNPC for entering the Temple of Illusion on the event map . Naive and honest Scientist. During another trip to the excavations, he found an ancient book, which says that if you find some ingredients, you can move to a completely amazing world.
환영사원 - Illusion Temple Welcome staff
MU Allies
MU Allies이벤트맵 캐릭터 변신용 인덱스 - Illusion Temple Index for changing event map character Season 3
Illusion Sorcerer
Illusion Sorcerer이벤트맵 캐릭터 변신용 인덱스 - Illusion Temple Index for changing event map character Season 3
Apostle Devin
Apostle DevinApostle Devin is searching for a mighty warrior to accept a very difficult quest. Ultimately, he plans to infiltrate Balgass' Barracks and kill the evil war lord, Dark Elf, that lurks within! It will not be an easy task. Agree to help him and he will bless you with special abilities.
3차 체인지업 - 3th Class Quest Season 3
Werewolf Quarel
Werewolf QuarelThe Werewolf Quarel blocks the entrance to the Balgass Barracks map. He'll only allow players into Balgass Barracks during and after the 3rd Class Upgrade quest.
3차 체인지업 - 3th Class Quest Season 3
GatekeeperEntrance to Balgass' Resting Place. Located in Balgass' Barracks (120, 168).
3차 체인지업 - 3th Class Quest Season 3
Helper Ellen
Helper Ellen도우미앨런 - Helper Ellen
추석(2007)이벤트 - Rabbit (2007) Event
SilviaSilvia sells general items like potions, arrows/bolts, Town Portal Scroll, Armor of Guardsman, and other miscellaneous things.
엘베란드 - Elbeland Season 3 NPC
RheaRhea sells basic armor and weapons for the Summoner character class.
엘베란드 - Elbeland Season 3 NPC
MarceMarce sells various skill items that can be used by the Summoner, Dark Wizard, or Magic Gladiator.
엘베란드 - Elbeland Season 3 NPC
Cherry Blossom Spirit
Cherry Blossom SpiritLoot Cherry Blossom Play-Box from monsters level 71 to 150 and obtain Blossom Branches to exchange in the NPC Cherry Blossom Spirit in Noria (178, 127) for prizes. The theory of this box is base on chances, it randomly gives you either White, Red or Golden Cherry Blossom Branch but it can also gives you potions that are based on limited time and that can increase maximum hp/health, maximum mana or your damages.
벚꽃이벤트 npc 추가 - Cherry Blossom Event Season 3 NPC
Cherry Blossom Tree
Cherry Blossom TreeYou can collect and here exchange Cherry Blossom Branches to receive prizes in the Cherry Blossom Event
벚꽃이벤트 npc 추가 - Cherry Blossom Event Season 3 NPC
Seed Master
Seed MasterSocket upgrading is a new system that lets you modify your items with sockets making them stronger than ever. Seed Master NPC who is in charge of creating seed and seed sphere is located in Elveland at coordinates (45, 242).
소켓 시스템 NPC - Socket System Season 4 NPC
Seed Researcher
Seed ResearcherNPC that is in charge of adding and removing the seed sphere of your items is located in Elveland (50, 242), also NPC mount a completed seed sphere to a socket item. Attack weapons :Fire, Ice, Lightening seed sphere only, Defense weapons => [Water, Wind and Earth seed sphere only.
소켓 시스템 NPC - Socket System Season 4 NPC
Spider Eggs
Spider Eggs라클리온 몬스터 추가 - Raklion Monster
Spider Eggs
Spider Eggs라클리온 몬스터 추가 - Raklion Monster
Spider Eggs
Spider Eggs라클리온 몬스터 추가 - Raklion Monster
Re-Initialization Helper
Re-Initialization Helper체험서버용 NPC 추가 - NPC for the experience server
Snowman크리스마스이벤트(국내 적용 추가) - Christmas event (addition of domestic application)
DasherBuff Santa Strengthener: Attack(Wiz) Power +30 - Duration: 30 minutes
크리스마스이벤트(국내 적용 추가) - Christmas event (addition of domestic application)
KermitBuff Santa Defense: Defense +100 - Duration: 30 minutes
크리스마스이벤트(국내 적용 추가) - Christmas event (addition of domestic application)
Little Santa
Little SantaRecovers 100% HP - Duration: one-time
크리스마스이벤트(국내 적용 추가) - Christmas event (addition of domestic application)
CupidRecovers 100% Mana- Duration: one-time
크리스마스이벤트(국내 적용 추가) - Christmas event (addition of domestic application)
PrancerBuff Santa Healing: Max HP +500 - Duration: 30 minutes
크리스마스이벤트(국내 적용 추가) - Christmas event (addition of domestic application)
DonnerBuff Santa Protection: Max Mana +500 - Duration: 30 minutes
크리스마스이벤트(국내 적용 추가) - Christmas event (addition of domestic application)
VixenBuff Santa Quickness: Attack Speed +15 - Duration: 30 minutes
크리스마스이벤트(국내 적용 추가) - Christmas event (addition of domestic application)
BlitzenBuff Santa Fortune: AG Auto-recovery +10 - Duration: 30 minutes
크리스마스이벤트(국내 적용 추가) - Christmas event (addition of domestic application)
Transformed Snowman
Transformed Snowman크리스마스이벤트(국내 적용 추가) - Christmas event (addition of domestic application)
Delgado상용화 7주년 이벤트 NPC 추가 - 7th anniversary event Season 4 NPC
Doorkeeper Titus
Doorkeeper TitusDoorkeeper Titus, is the manager of the Colosseum. The Colossem is a duel arena where friendly PVP combat can take place. You can also watch any on-going duels by speaking with him.
불카누스 몬스터 NPC 추가 - Vulcanus Monster NPC
MossNPC Moss the Gambler has arrived in the Continent of MU after travelling to faraway lands. Exotic items that he has collected throughout his voyage have become the center of attention among Mutizens. Never existed before, these items seem very powerful just by a glance. Located in Elveland (22, 225)
겜블 NPC 추가 - Gamble NPC
Transformed Panda
Transformed Panda5월 프리미엄 아이템 (팬더변신반지) - Premium item for May Panda Event Season 4 (Panda Transformation Ring)
Castle Gate 1
Castle Gate 1제국 수호군 요새 오브젝트 NPC - Imperial Guardian Fortress Object NPC
Castle Gate 2
Castle Gate 2제국 수호군 요새 오브젝트 NPC - Imperial Guardian Fortress Object NPC
Stone Statue 1
Stone Statue 1제국 수호군 요새 오브젝트 NPC - Imperial Guardian Fortress Object NPC
Castle Gate 3
Castle Gate 3제국 수호군 요새 오브젝트 NPC - Imperial Guardian Fortress Object NPC
Castle Gate 4
Castle Gate 4제국 수호군 요새 오브젝트 NPC - Imperial Guardian Fortress Object NPC
Furious Slaughterer
Furious Slaughterer도플갱어 몬스터 추가 - Doppelganger monster
Slaughterer도플갱어 몬스터 추가 - Doppelganger monster
LugardDoppelganger Entry NPC - Lugard's guardian knight coming daily Elbeland 49, 217, and Cent will personally manage the test and the players have to subdue this guardian.
도플갱어 입장 NPC - Doppelganger entry Season 5 NPC
Interim Reward Chest
Interim Reward Chest중간 보상 상자 - Middle reward box
Final Reward Chest
Final Reward Chest최종 보상 상자 - Final reward box
Gens Duprian Steward
Gens Duprian StewardRepresents the Gens family of Duprian. Duprian is a guild of the greatest heroes in Arca, lead by the Duprian Clan. The Duprian Clan is known as one of the most noble bloodlines in MU. The clan is lead by a glorious and noble knight, Duprian Winston. Located in Lorencia (145, 129).
겐스 NPC 설희원 - Gens System Season 5 NPC
Gens Vanert Steward
Gens Vanert StewardJoin Banert Gens, proceed with Gens Quest. Represents the Gens family of Vanert. Vanert is a noble family led by Vanert Reicht, a well known socialite. He strives, around the clock, to put a stop to Duprian Winston. Vanert Reicht believes the ultimate dream of Duprian is an absolute rule over the empire. Located in Noria (168, 100).
겐스 NPC 설희원 - Gens System Season 5 NPC
Christine the General Goods Mer
Christine the General Goods Mer로랜시장 관련 NPC 3종 추가 2009.11.24 홍승욱 - Add 3 NPCs related to Loren Market
Jeweler Raul
Jeweler RaulGem combination, gem unlock
로랜시장 관련 NPC 3종 추가 2009.11.24 홍승욱 - Add 3 NPCs related to Loren Market
Market Union Member Julia
Market Union Member JuliaNPC located inside the Map Loren Market helps you move towards Lorencia is located at coordinates (123, 140).
로랜시장 관련 NPC 3종 추가 2009.11.24 홍승욱 - Add 3 NPCs related to Loren Market
Transformed Skeleton
Transformed Skeleton스켈레톤변신반지용 변신스켈레톤 추가 - Transformation skeleton for skeleton transformation ring
Priestess Veina
Priestess VeinaDaily quest progression NPC. Lacated Kalima (10, 28).
도플갱어 입장 NPC - Doppelganger entry Season 6 NPC Quest
Wandering Merchant Zyro
Wandering Merchant ZyroExtended Quest Progress NPC. Wandering Merchant Zyro has put in a request to the Mercenary Guild, looking for an adventurer to complete a task. The Quests are offered on Tuesday and Friday to characters that are at least Character Level Level 350. Speak with the Mercenary Guild Manager in order to start the Quests. Located in Lorencia (130, 137), Noria (186, 109), Elbeland (55, 199).
도플갱어 입장 NPC - Doppelganger entry Season 6 NPC Quest
Leina the General Goods Merchan
Leina the General Goods Merchan칼루탄 NPC 추가 2010-06-30 홍승욱 - Karutan NPC
Weapons Merchant Bolo
Weapons Merchant Bolo칼루탄 NPC 추가 2010-06-30 홍승욱 - Karutan NPC
David럭키아이템 NPC 추가 2010-09-01 이기수 - Lucky Item NPC
Quest Reset
Quest Reset
Priest James
Priest James
Ferea Crystal Orb
Ferea Crystal Orb
Nixies Spirit
Nixies Spirit
The Tower
The Tower
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