
Guides - Event

What is a "Kalima"?

Kalima it’s a special map where players can enter only with invitation to fight with the Kundun army and hunt for ancient items.

The Event based on the original MU Online and fully correspond to the original settings of our MU season. During the Event period, a mission Event will be held to reward players with various items according to the levels obtained.

How to make Event ticket

Kalima - The Forbidden Land of Kundun

The Kalima Event is a mysterious and dangerous challenge where only the bravest warriors dare to enter. Deep within Kalima lies the powerful Kundun, ruler of darkness, waiting to be defeated. To reach him, players must enter through one of the 7 gateways, each requiring a specific level range.

🌌 Kalima Entry Requirements:

There are 7 Kalima gateways, and entry is determined by your character's level:

Kalima Level Entry Level Requirement
General Characters Magic Gladiator / Dark Lord
140 ~ 40020 ~ 400
2131 ~ 400111 ~ 400
3181 ~ 400161 ~ 400
4231 ~ 400211 ~ 400
5281 ~ 400261 ~ 400
6331 ~ 400311 ~ 400
7380 ~ 400380 ~ 400

🔑 How to Enter Kalima:

  • To access the event, you must obtain a Lost Map.
  • Lost Map is created by collecting 5 Symbol Kundun, which drop from monsters.
MU arrow

🚪 Entering Kalima:

  • Once you have a Lost Map, drop it outside the town or away from any safe zone.
  • A Magic Stone Door will appear, leading you to your designated Kalima level.

⚔️ Face the Lord of Darkness!

Once inside, prepare for battle! Kundun and his minions await in the depths of Kalima. Can you defeat him and claim the powerful rewards?

Screens from Event

Mu /img/event/kalima/kalima.jpg

When and how long will the "Kalima" Event is take place?

The "Kalima" Event will start exactly , that's in from now, and the duration of the Event will be .

Enter any time - no other schedule has been provided yet

Where the "Kalima" Event is taking place?

The Event called "Kalima" takes place on ALL on the following map(-s):

Kalima 1Kalima is the place where the great lord Kundun has been banished to. The area also serves host to his most loyal minions. Not just anyone can enter Kalima, as the area is sealed off to prevent any monsters from leaving. The only way to access this area is through a special portal, which can be resurrected via Lost Map. A Lost Map can be crafted by combining (x5) Symbols of Kundun together. There are 7 areas of difficulty to Kalima, which are restricted to warriors of a specific Character Level. Only on the 7th floor of Kalima, in the deepest part of the map, will adventurers find the great lord Kundun.
Kalima 2Kalima is the place where the great lord Kundun has been banished to. The area also serves host to his most loyal minions. Not just anyone can enter Kalima, as the area is sealed off to prevent any monsters from leaving. The only way to access this area is through a special portal, which can be resurrected via Lost Map. A Lost Map can be crafted by combining (x5) Symbols of Kundun together. There are 7 areas of difficulty to Kalima, which are restricted to warriors of a specific Character Level. Only on the 7th floor of Kalima, in the deepest part of the map, will adventurers find the great lord Kundun.
Kalima 3Kalima is the place where the great lord Kundun has been banished to. The area also serves host to his most loyal minions. Not just anyone can enter Kalima, as the area is sealed off to prevent any monsters from leaving. The only way to access this area is through a special portal, which can be resurrected via Lost Map. A Lost Map can be crafted by combining (x5) Symbols of Kundun together. There are 7 areas of difficulty to Kalima, which are restricted to warriors of a specific Character Level. Only on the 7th floor of Kalima, in the deepest part of the map, will adventurers find the great lord Kundun.
Kalima 4Kalima is the place where the great lord Kundun has been banished to. The area also serves host to his most loyal minions. Not just anyone can enter Kalima, as the area is sealed off to prevent any monsters from leaving. The only way to access this area is through a special portal, which can be resurrected via Lost Map. A Lost Map can be crafted by combining (x5) Symbols of Kundun together. There are 7 areas of difficulty to Kalima, which are restricted to warriors of a specific Character Level. Only on the 7th floor of Kalima, in the deepest part of the map, will adventurers find the great lord Kundun.
Kalima 5Kalima is the place where the great lord Kundun has been banished to. The area also serves host to his most loyal minions. Not just anyone can enter Kalima, as the area is sealed off to prevent any monsters from leaving. The only way to access this area is through a special portal, which can be resurrected via Lost Map. A Lost Map can be crafted by combining (x5) Symbols of Kundun together. There are 7 areas of difficulty to Kalima, which are restricted to warriors of a specific Character Level. Only on the 7th floor of Kalima, in the deepest part of the map, will adventurers find the great lord Kundun.
Kalima 6Kalima is the place where the great lord Kundun has been banished to. The area also serves host to his most loyal minions. Not just anyone can enter Kalima, as the area is sealed off to prevent any monsters from leaving. The only way to access this area is through a special portal, which can be resurrected via Lost Map. A Lost Map can be crafted by combining (x5) Symbols of Kundun together. There are 7 areas of difficulty to Kalima, which are restricted to warriors of a specific Character Level. Only on the 7th floor of Kalima, in the deepest part of the map, will adventurers find the great lord Kundun.
Kalima 7 (Lost)Kalima is the place where the great lord Kundun has been banished to. The area also serves host to his most loyal minions. Not just anyone can enter Kalima, as the area is sealed off to prevent any monsters from leaving. The only way to access this area is through a special portal, which can be resurrected via Lost Map. A Lost Map can be crafted by combining (x5) Symbols of Kundun together. There are 7 areas of difficulty to Kalima, which are restricted to warriors of a specific Character Level. Only on the 7th floor of Kalima, in the deepest part of the map, will adventurers find the great lord Kundun.

What NPCs/monsters are involved in the Event?

Oracle Layla
Oracle LaylaSell potions, meme converters, mercenaries, elemental runes, arrows. Located Kalima (7, 19).
칼리마 상점 NPC - Kalima Shop NPC
Priestess Veina
Priestess VeinaDaily quest progression NPC. Lacated Kalima (10, 28).
도플갱어 입장 NPC - Doppelganger entry Season 6 NPC Quest
Aegis칼리마1-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 1 - Character level (40~400/20~400)
17 100 55 62 17 17 - - -
Rogue Centurion
Rogue Centurion칼리마1-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 1 - Character level (40~400/20~400)
19 100 60 67 20 18 - - -
Blood Soldier
Blood Soldier칼리마1-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 1 - Character level (40~400/20~400)
21 100 70 77 25 20 - - -
Death Angel
Death Angel칼리마1-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 1 - Character level (40~400/20~400)
24 100 80 87 30 24 - - -
Necron칼리마1-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 1 - Character level (40~400/20~400)
28 100 95 102 38 30 - - -
Aegis칼리마2-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 2 - Character level (131~400/111~400)
32 100 105 112 42 33 - - -
Rogue Centurion
Rogue Centurion칼리마2-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 2 - Character level (131~400/111~400)
34 100 112 119 45 36 - - -
Blood Soldier
Blood Soldier칼리마2-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 2 - Character level (131~400/111~400)
37 100 120 127 50 40 - - -
Death Angel
Death Angel칼리마2-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 2 - Character level (131~400/111~400)
40 100 130 137 57 45 - - -
Necron칼리마2-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 2 - Character level (131~400/111~400)
44 100 140 147 68 50 - - -
Aegis칼리마3-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 3 - Character level (181~400/161~400)
46 100 145 155 73 54 - - -
Rogue Centurion
Rogue Centurion칼리마3-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 3 - Character level (181~400/161~400)
48 100 152 162 80 56 - - -
Blood Soldier
Blood Soldier칼리마3-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 3 - Character level (181~400/161~400)
50 100 160 170 90 60 - - -
Death Angel
Death Angel칼리마3-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 3 - Character level (181~400/161~400)
53 100 175 185 105 67 - - -
Necron칼리마3-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 3 - Character level (181~400/161~400)
58 100 195 205 126 77 - - -
Aegis칼리마4-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 4 - Character level (231~400/211~400)
62 100 215 235 140 87 - - -
Rogue Centurion
Rogue Centurion칼리마4-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 4 - Character level (231~400/211~400)
66 100 230 250 150 95 - - -
Blood Soldier
Blood Soldier칼리마4-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 4 - Character level (231~400/211~400)
70 100 245 265 165 105 - - -
Death Angel
Death Angel칼리마4-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 4 - Character level (231~400/211~400)
74 100 270 295 185 120 - - -
Necron칼리마4-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 4 - Character level (231~400/211~400)
78 100 305 330 215 145 - - -
Aegis칼리마5-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 5 - Character level (281~400/261~400)
79 100 310 340 230 163 - - -
Rogue Centurion
Rogue Centurion칼리마5-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 5 - Character level (281~400/261~400)
82 100 335 365 250 168 - - -
Blood Soldier
Blood Soldier칼리마5-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 5 - Character level (281~400/261~400)
85 100 365 395 280 177 - - -
Death Angel
Death Angel칼리마5-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 5 - Character level (281~400/261~400)
88 100 408 443 315 195 - - -
Necron칼리마6-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 6 - Character level (331~400/311~400)
109 100 672 707 550 303 - - -
Aegis칼리마6-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 6 - Character level (331~400/311~400)
95 100 520 550 410 230 - - -
Rogue Centurion
Rogue Centurion칼리마6-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 6 - Character level (331~400/311~400)
98 100 540 570 432 240 - - -
Blood Soldier
Blood Soldier칼리마6-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 6 - Character level (331~400/311~400)
101 100 570 600 460 255 - - -
Death Angel
Death Angel칼리마6-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 6 - Character level (331~400/311~400)
105 100 610 645 500 275 - - -
Aegis잃어버린칼리마-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 7 - Character level (350~400/350~400)
111 100 712 752 584 315 - - -
Rogue Centurion
Rogue Centurion잃어버린칼리마-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 7 - Character level (350~400/350~400)
114 100 751 791 615 330 - - -
Blood Soldier
Blood Soldier잃어버린칼리마-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 7 - Character level (350~400/350~400)
117 100 805 845 660 345 - - -
Death Angel
Death Angel잃어버린칼리마-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 7 - Character level (350~400/350~400)
121 100 870 915 720 370 - - -
Necron잃어버린칼리마-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 7 - Character level (350~400/350~400)
125 100 951 996 783 405 - - -
Illusion of Kundun⭐1x
Illusion of Kundun⭐1x칼리마1-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 1 - Character level (40~400/20~400)
52 100 165 172 90 70 - - -
Illusion of Kundun⭐1x
Illusion of Kundun⭐1x칼리마2-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 2 - Character level (131~400/111~400)
65 100 220 227 140 100 - - -
Illusion of Kundun⭐1x
Illusion of Kundun⭐1x칼리마3-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 3 - Character level (181~400/161~400)
81 100 350 360 255 160 - - -
Illusion of Kundun⭐1x
Illusion of Kundun⭐1x칼리마4-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 4 - Character level (231~400/211~400)
100 100 600 625 500 295 - - -
Illusion of Kundun⭐1x
Illusion of Kundun⭐1x칼리마5-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 5 - Character level (281~400/261~400)
117 100 835 870 680 360 - - -
Illusion of Kundun⭐1x
Illusion of Kundun⭐1x칼리마6-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 6 - Character level (331~400/311~400)
140 100 1070 1105 892 450 - - -
Kundun⭐3x잃어버린칼리마-캐릭터레벨 - Kalima 7 - Character level (350~400/350~400)
147 100 3000 5500 1500 1000 - - -

What reward will you get from Event monsters or what will be the reward for success?

Image Armor`s name General item Excellent item Class used
Offense power Defense Offense power Defense
Hyon's Dragon Helm +6
Helms - These items can protect attacks from enemies
0~0 68 0~0 68 Can be equipped by DK, BK, BM
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