
Guides - Event

What is a "Chaos Castle"?

Chaos Castle - The Battle for Survival

Chaos Castle is a brutal battle arena where warriors fight for prestige and prizes. However, only one can emerge victorious! To join, players must obtain the Armor of Guardsman from NPCs and right-click to enter. Upon entering, all participants are disguised to look alike, making it impossible to distinguish friend from foe.

⚔️ Event Mechanics

  • A minimum of 2 players is required for the event to start.
  • If fewer than 70 players join, the remaining slots will be filled with monsters.
  • The event will only begin when at least 2 players of the same level range are inside the castle.
  • Upon entering Chaos Castle, a player's appearance will change to a Guardsman.
  • Weapons will match the character's class (sword, staff, or crossbow).
  • Pets and mounts are disabled inside Chaos Castle.

📜 Basic Rules

  • All players inside Chaos Castle are enemies.
  • Players cannot attack each other during standby time but can move freely.
  • Party mode is disabled upon entering Chaos Castle.
  • Personal store is closed automatically.
  • Guild War and Duel requests are not allowed.
  • Chatting is enabled in standby mode but disabled when the event starts.
  • Buffs only apply to the player and cannot be cast on others.
  • Damage between players is reduced by 50% inside Chaos Castle.
  • Each character has a visual effect to identify themselves (brighter shading).
  • Event Points:
    • 2 points for killing a monster.
    • 1 point for killing a player.
  • If there are two players left after all monsters are killed, the winner is determined by points.
  • The map will shrink based on the number of remaining players and monsters.

💀 How a Character Can Die

  • When HP is reduced to 0 by a monster or another player.
  • When the player falls outside the castle.
  • When HP reaches 0 due to traps.

🏆 End of Chaos Castle

  • The event ends when all other players are dead.
  • If all monsters are eliminated, the event continues until only one player remains.
  • If multiple players survive at the end, ranking is determined by event points.

⚠️ Traps

  • The map shrinks with traps when fewer than 50 players or monsters remain.
  • Traps deal fixed damage regardless of defense.
  • Some traps instantly kill players, regardless of level or stats.

🎁 Prize & Rewards

  • 80% of the entrance fee is randomly distributed after the event starts.
  • The last surviving player will receive a set item reward:
    • Jewel of Creation
    • Jewel of Life
    • Jewel of Chaos
  • Level 1 Chaos Castle Rewards:
    • Jewel of Bless
    • Jewel of Soul
    • Zen
  • Chaos Castle monsters do not drop loot, but event rewards apply.
Castle Level Jewel of Bless Jewel of Soul Jewel of Chaos Zen
1114By monster level
2114By monster level
3113By monster level
4113By monster level
5122By monster level
6122By monster level

Chaos Castle

When eliminated, the character will respawn in Devias.

The Event based on the original MU Online and fully correspond to the original settings of our MU season. During the Event period, a mission Event will be held to reward players with various items according to the levels obtained.

How to make Event ticket

The "Armor of Guardsman" is sold in the different stores of the each town. Sold by "Wandering merchant" at the south gate of lorencia, "Craftsman" in Noria and "Wizard" in Devias. Like the Invisibility cloak of Blood Castle, you can right click the armor to check the next entrance time. To enter the Chaos Castle left click the "Armor of Guardsman" when the timer indicates opening.

Players who are flagged as murderers will not be allowed to enter Chaos Castle. You character will be transported to the corresponding castle according to its character level and the appropriate amount of zen will be deducted.

Level of Chaos CastleLevel Restrictions (-20 LVL for MG and DL)
7331~400 (Master)

Screens from Event

Mu /img/event/chaos castle/cc.jpg Mu /img/event/chaos castle/img_chaoscastle_1.jpg

When and how long will the "Chaos Castle" Event is take place?

The "Chaos Castle" Event will start exactly 14:00, that's in 3 hours, 13 minutes, 41 seconds from now, and the duration of the Event will be 20 minutes.

Where the "Chaos Castle" Event is taking place?

The Event called "Chaos Castle" takes place on ALL on the following map(-s):

Chaos Castle 1Chaos Castle, a battlefield forged by Lugard, the God of the Heaven World, and Secrarium, the God of the Underworld, serves as an arena to maintain the balance between good and evil. Over time, participants began favoring Lugard, tipping the scales. To restore equilibrium, Secrarium proposed that all combatants wear the Armor of Guardsman during battles, a suggestion Lugard accepted. Today, Chaos Castle stands as the ultimate proving ground, where players face off against each other and underworld warriors, vying for prestige and prizes without fear of death penalties.
Chaos Castle 2Chaos Castle, a battlefield forged by Lugard, the God of the Heaven World, and Secrarium, the God of the Underworld, serves as an arena to maintain the balance between good and evil. Over time, participants began favoring Lugard, tipping the scales. To restore equilibrium, Secrarium proposed that all combatants wear the Armor of Guardsman during battles, a suggestion Lugard accepted. Today, Chaos Castle stands as the ultimate proving ground, where players face off against each other and underworld warriors, vying for prestige and prizes without fear of death penalties.
Chaos Castle 3Chaos Castle, a battlefield forged by Lugard, the God of the Heaven World, and Secrarium, the God of the Underworld, serves as an arena to maintain the balance between good and evil. Over time, participants began favoring Lugard, tipping the scales. To restore equilibrium, Secrarium proposed that all combatants wear the Armor of Guardsman during battles, a suggestion Lugard accepted. Today, Chaos Castle stands as the ultimate proving ground, where players face off against each other and underworld warriors, vying for prestige and prizes without fear of death penalties.
Chaos Castle 4Chaos Castle, a battlefield forged by Lugard, the God of the Heaven World, and Secrarium, the God of the Underworld, serves as an arena to maintain the balance between good and evil. Over time, participants began favoring Lugard, tipping the scales. To restore equilibrium, Secrarium proposed that all combatants wear the Armor of Guardsman during battles, a suggestion Lugard accepted. Today, Chaos Castle stands as the ultimate proving ground, where players face off against each other and underworld warriors, vying for prestige and prizes without fear of death penalties.
Chaos Castle 5Chaos Castle, a battlefield forged by Lugard, the God of the Heaven World, and Secrarium, the God of the Underworld, serves as an arena to maintain the balance between good and evil. Over time, participants began favoring Lugard, tipping the scales. To restore equilibrium, Secrarium proposed that all combatants wear the Armor of Guardsman during battles, a suggestion Lugard accepted. Today, Chaos Castle stands as the ultimate proving ground, where players face off against each other and underworld warriors, vying for prestige and prizes without fear of death penalties.
Chaos Castle 6Chaos Castle, a battlefield forged by Lugard, the God of the Heaven World, and Secrarium, the God of the Underworld, serves as an arena to maintain the balance between good and evil. Over time, participants began favoring Lugard, tipping the scales. To restore equilibrium, Secrarium proposed that all combatants wear the Armor of Guardsman during battles, a suggestion Lugard accepted. Today, Chaos Castle stands as the ultimate proving ground, where players face off against each other and underworld warriors, vying for prestige and prizes without fear of death penalties.
Chaos Castle 7Chaos Castle Difficulty 7 is a battle field which was created by Lugard, the God of the Heaven World, and Secrarium, the God of the Underworld. Its purpose was for the balance of good and evil in the world. Over time, the participants began favoring with Lugard, and the balance of power in favor of himself. To restore this balance to the battle, Secrarium offered Lugard the suggestion of a requiring participants to wear Armor of Guardsman during the battle. Lugard accepted the offer, aggreeing it was fair. There is no better place to test your strength. Here, players can battle to the death, against other players and evil underwold warriors, for prestige and prizes! There is no penatly upon death, nor for killing another player, in this Mini-game.

What NPCs/monsters are involved in the Event?

Chaos Castle 1
Chaos Castle 1카오스캐슬1 - Chaos Castle 1 (50~179)
30 100 70 90 30 20 - - -
Chaos Castle 2
Chaos Castle 2카오스캐슬1 - Chaos Castle 1 (50~179)
32 100 80 100 40 30 - - -
Chaos Castle 3
Chaos Castle 3카오스캐슬2 - Chaos Castle 2 (180~269)
40 100 132 135 75 60 - - -
Chaos Castle 4
Chaos Castle 4카오스캐슬2 - Chaos Castle 2 (180~269)
45 100 150 150 90 70 - - -
Chaos Castle 5
Chaos Castle 5카오스캐슬3 - Chaos Castle 3 (270~349)
54 100 168 165 105 80 - - -
Chaos Castle 6
Chaos Castle 6카오스캐슬3 - Chaos Castle 3 (270~349)
60 100 180 180 120 90 - - -
Chaos Castle 7
Chaos Castle 7카오스캐슬4 - Chaos Castle 4 (350~399)
65 100 185 210 145 110 - - -
Chaos Castle 8
Chaos Castle 8카오스캐슬4 - Chaos Castle 4 (350~399)
68 100 205 230 160 120 - - -
Chaos Castle 9
Chaos Castle 9카오스캐슬5 - Chaos Castle 5 (400~500)
70 100 215 240 170 120 - - -
Chaos Castle 10
Chaos Castle 10카오스캐슬5 - Chaos Castle 5 (400~500)
75 100 235 260 190 130 - - -
Chaos Castle 11
Chaos Castle 11카오스캐슬6 - Chaos Castle 6 (501~650)
76 100 255 280 215 140 - - -
Chaos Castle 12
Chaos Castle 12카오스캐슬6 - Chaos Castle 6 (501~650)
80 100 280 300 240 150 - - -
Chaos Castle 13
Chaos Castle 13카오스캐슬7 - Chaos Castle 7 (651~1000)
이벤트맵 등급 추가로 인한 몬스터 추가(2007.10.16) - Addition of monsters due to event map rating. 카오스캐슬7_확장 - Chaos Castle 7_Expansion
111 100 300 345 245 190 - - -
Chaos Castle 14
Chaos Castle 14카오스캐슬7 - Chaos Castle 7 (651~1000)
이벤트맵 등급 추가로 인한 몬스터 추가(2007.10.16) - Addition of monsters due to event map rating. 카오스캐슬7_확장 - Chaos Castle 7_Expansion
114 100 330 380 280 200 - - -

What reward will you get from Event monsters or what will be the reward for success?

Image Jewel name
Jewel of Bless
Basic Jewels - Jewels are the most expensive items of MU. Mostly used as an ingredient item for combination or crafting recipe and Items upgrades
Jewel of Chaos
Basic Jewels - Jewels are the most expensive items of MU. Mostly used as an ingredient item for combination or crafting recipe and Items upgrades
Jewel of Creation
Basic Jewels - Jewels are the most expensive items of MU. Mostly used as an ingredient item for combination or crafting recipe and Items upgrades
Luck Ore Piece
Custom Impure Jewels - These items are additional added to server drop. These items are collect on events only. Used only for creating Jewels
Skill Ore Piece
Custom Impure Jewels - These items are additional added to server drop. These items are collect on events only. Used only for creating Jewels
Image Common Item name
Mastery Box(Minor)
Custom Quests - These items are additional added to server to increase quest amount
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