
Guides - Event

What is a "Illusion Temple"?

The event consists out of two teams(randomly generated - max 2 teams of 5 ppl) who will try to get as many items from the Stone Henge NPC as possible. Once a player has received the item he will be slowed. Returning the item to the base camp will get the team 1 point. The players will not be able to use their skills in battle. They will be granted skills only when killing adversaries. Also the players look will change just like in chaos castle. When you enter you are warped inside the waiting room until illusion temple starts, when it starts teams are putted together alliance and illusion team. Teams are random meaning u cannot chose your ally nor your opponent.

What to do in illusion temple

In illusion temple the purpose of the game is to capture the illusion temple ball located in the north and in the south of the map you must return these to a container at your starting place

* note: your running speed while carrying the ball will decrease dramatically making u slow and easy to catch* when the ball carrier is killed he drops the ball when u return the ball to your starting place ur team will gain 1 point max points is 7

when u kill an opponent u will gain 5killpoints this is ur personal score and not from the team these points are to use special abilities inside illusion temple
magic shield order: 5pt: function:Prevents 100% of DMG, duration 15 sec resistance order: 5pt: function: Paralyzes the enemy for 15 sec. tracking order: 10pt: function: teleports you to the Ball freeze time: 5pt: function: Takes enemy 50% of SD

Once the event starts, players who are in are assigned to a random team and get a team uniform.
  • Red Team Skin
  • Blue Team Skin
Heres a look at the layout of the zone.
You can see the teams two starting positions on the westernmost and easternmost sides of the map.

For each opposing player killed, the killing team gets five skill points which can be spent to temporarily improve their character during the event. On top of killing other players, there are 2 statues located in the event map, each holding an event ball.
Each teams base also comes equipped with a pedestal, where players can bring back the event balls for points. Once a ball is taken from a status, both statues disappear.

They reappear again once a team returns the ball to their respective base.
The first team which is able to return the ball seven times first wins. So not only is it important to kill the opposing team as much as possible, but to also gather as many event balls as possible while preventing the opposing team from doing the same. The ball carrier will move in slow motion, so its important for his or her teammates to work together to protect the ball carrier from the opposing team. Once a ball carrier is killed, DC;s or eaves the event; the ball will fall to the ground and is able to be picked up by any player on either team.

The Event based on the original MU Online and fully correspond to the original settings of our MU season. During the Event period, a mission Event will be held to reward players with various items according to the levels obtained.

How to make Event ticket

First step to do, if you want to participate in this Event, is to obtain an invitation, which is named Scroll of Blood. In order to obtain it, you need, firstly, the materials to craft this invite at Noria Goblin. The names of materials are "Illusion Sorcerer's Covenant" and "Old Scroll", so you will just have to set up in helper "Covenant" or "Old", and you will pick up the materials. If you need a specific level of Illusion Temple Invitation (or ticket) , type into the helper box "Covenant +" level (example: Covenant +6) same for Old Scroll 6 (Old +6).

Level of Illusion TempleLevel Restrictions (-20 LVL for MG and DL)
7331~400 (Master)

Screens from Event

Mu /img/event/illusion temple/ebmw.webp Mu /img/event/illusion temple/it.jpg

Assembly prediction: Scroll of Blood Create

Regular Combination
Tax rate: 1% (changed in real-time)

Combining Success rate: 80% +10% Crywolf defense rate
Required zen: 3,030,000(3,000,000)*
MU arrow
  • Old Scroll+1
  • Illusion Sorcerer Covenant+1
  • 📜 Scroll of Blood+1 ()
  • Opt can add Talisman of Luck
    Notice that when you fail to combine the items you can lose the items
    Item levels must be identical to combine. items are of the same Level

    Assembly prediction: Scroll of Blood Create

    Recipe variant Nr.:2
    Regular Combination
    Tax rate: 1% (changed in real-time)

    Combining Success rate: 80% +10% Crywolf defense rate
    Required zen: 5,050,000(5,000,000)*
    MU arrow
  • Old Scroll+2
  • Illusion Sorcerer Covenant+2
  • 📜 Scroll of Blood+2 ()
  • Opt can add Talisman of Luck
    Notice that when you fail to combine the items you can lose the items
    Item levels must be identical to combine. items are of the same Level

    Assembly prediction: Scroll of Blood Create

    Recipe variant Nr.:3
    Regular Combination
    Tax rate: 1% (changed in real-time)

    Combining Success rate: 80% +10% Crywolf defense rate
    Required zen: 7,070,000(7,000,000)*
    MU arrow
  • Old Scroll+3
  • Illusion Sorcerer Covenant+3
  • 📜 Scroll of Blood+3 ()
  • Opt can add Talisman of Luck
    Notice that when you fail to combine the items you can lose the items
    Item levels must be identical to combine. items are of the same Level

    Assembly prediction: Scroll of Blood Create

    Recipe variant Nr.:4
    Regular Combination
    Tax rate: 1% (changed in real-time)

    Combining Success rate: 80%
    Required zen: 9,090,000(9,000,000)*
    MU arrow
  • Old Scroll+4
  • Illusion Sorcerer Covenant+4
  • 📜 Scroll of Blood+4 ()
  • Opt can add Talisman of Luck
    Notice that when you fail to combine the items you can lose the items
    Item levels must be identical to combine. items are of the same Level

    Assembly prediction: Scroll of Blood Create

    Recipe variant Nr.:5
    Regular Combination
    Tax rate: 1% (changed in real-time)

    Combining Success rate: 80% +10% Crywolf defense rate
    Required zen: 11,110,000(11,000,000)*
    MU arrow
  • Old Scroll+5
  • Illusion Sorcerer Covenant+5
  • Blade
  • 📜 Scroll of Blood+5 ()
  • Opt can add Talisman of Luck
    Notice that when you fail to combine the items you can lose the items
    Item levels must be identical to combine. items are of the same Level

    Assembly prediction: Scroll of Blood Create

    Recipe variant Nr.:6
    Regular Combination
    Tax rate: 1% (changed in real-time)

    Combining Success rate: 80% +10% Crywolf defense rate
    Required zen: 13,130,000(13,000,000)*
    MU arrow
  • Old Scroll+6
  • Illusion Sorcerer Covenant+6
  • 📜 Scroll of Blood+6 ()
  • Opt can add Talisman of Luck
    Notice that when you fail to combine the items you can lose the items
    Item levels must be identical to combine. items are of the same Level

    When and how long will the "Illusion Temple" Event is take place?

    The "Illusion Temple" Event will start exactly 09:00, that's in 40 seconds from now, and the duration of the Event will be 15 minutes.

    Where the "Illusion Temple" Event is taking place?

    The Event called "Illusion Temple" takes place on ALL on the following map(-s):

    Illusion Temple 1Illusion Temple is a fun "Capture The Flag," player-vs-player, battle arena where players can compete against each other! Two teams of 5 players will have to fight to obtain an Illusion Temple Ball, and return it to their base, in order to earn Event Points! The winner will earn some rewards and EXP!
    Illusion Temple 2Illusion Temple is a fun "Capture The Flag," player-vs-player, battle arena where players can compete against each other! Two teams of 5 players will have to fight to obtain an Illusion Temple Ball, and return it to their base, in order to earn Event Points! The winner will earn some rewards and EXP!
    Illusion Temple 3Illusion Temple is a fun "Capture The Flag," player-vs-player, battle arena where players can compete against each other! Two teams of 5 players will have to fight to obtain an Illusion Temple Ball, and return it to their base, in order to earn Event Points! The winner will earn some rewards and EXP!
    Illusion Temple 4Illusion Temple is a fun "Capture The Flag," player-vs-player, battle arena where players can compete against each other! Two teams of 5 players will have to fight to obtain an Illusion Temple Ball, and return it to their base, in order to earn Event Points! The winner will earn some rewards and EXP!
    Illusion Temple 5Illusion Temple is a fun "Capture The Flag," player-vs-player, battle arena where players can compete against each other! Two teams of 5 players will have to fight to obtain an Illusion Temple Ball, and return it to their base, in order to earn Event Points! The winner will earn some rewards and EXP!
    Illusion Temple 6Illusion Temple is a fun "Capture The Flag," player-vs-player, battle arena where players can compete against each other! Two teams of 5 players will have to fight to obtain an Illusion Temple Ball, and return it to their base, in order to earn Event Points! The winner will earn some rewards and EXP!

    What NPCs/monsters are involved in the Event?

    Illusion Sorcerer Elder
    Illusion Sorcerer Elder환영사원 - Illusion Temple Welcome staff
    MU Allies General
    MU Allies General환영사원 - Illusion Temple Welcome staff
    Alliance Sacred Item Storage
    Alliance Sacred Item Storage환영사원 - Illusion Temple Welcome staff
    Illusion Castle Sacred Item Sto
    Illusion Castle Sacred Item Sto환영사원 - Illusion Temple Welcome staff
    Illusion Sorcerer Spirit
    Illusion Sorcerer Spirit신규 이벤트맵 1 (레벨 220~270) - Illusion Temple Map 1 (Level 220-270)
    65 100 195 245 150 98 - - -
    Illusion Sorcerer Spirit
    Illusion Sorcerer Spirit신규 이벤트맵 1 (레벨 220~270) - Illusion Temple Map 1 (Level 220-270)
    65 100 215 265 170 110 - - -
    Illusion Sorcerer Spirit
    Illusion Sorcerer Spirit신규 이벤트맵 1 (레벨 220~270) - Illusion Temple Map 1 (Level 220-270)
    67 100 235 285 190 130 - - -
    Illusion Sorcerer Spirit
    Illusion Sorcerer Spirit신규 이벤트맵 2 (레벨 271~320) - Illusion Temple Map 2 (Level 271-320)
    70 100 280 330 210 150 - - -
    Illusion Sorcerer Spirit
    Illusion Sorcerer Spirit신규 이벤트맵 2 (레벨 271~320) - Illusion Temple Map 2 (Level 271-320)
    70 100 300 350 230 170 - - -
    Illusion Sorcerer Spirit
    Illusion Sorcerer Spirit신규 이벤트맵 2 (레벨 271~320) - Illusion Temple Map 2 (Level 271-320)
    72 100 320 370 250 200 - - -
    Illusion Sorcerer Spirit
    Illusion Sorcerer Spirit신규 이벤트맵 3 (레벨 321~350) - Illusion Temple Map 3 (Level 321-350)
    75 100 375 395 280 150 - - -
    Illusion Sorcerer Spirit
    Illusion Sorcerer Spirit신규 이벤트맵 3 (레벨 321~350) - Illusion Temple Map 3 (Level 321-350)
    75 100 395 415 300 160 - - -
    Illusion Sorcerer Spirit
    Illusion Sorcerer Spirit신규 이벤트맵 3 (레벨 321~350) - Illusion Temple Map 3 (Level 321-350)
    77 100 415 435 320 195 - - -
    Illusion Sorcerer Spirit
    Illusion Sorcerer Spirit신규 이벤트맵 4 (레벨 351~380) - Illusion Temple Map 4 (Level 251-380)
    80 100 480 500 360 230 - - -
    Illusion Sorcerer Spirit
    Illusion Sorcerer Spirit신규 이벤트맵 4 (레벨 351~380) - Illusion Temple Map 4 (Level 251-380)
    80 100 500 520 380 260 - - -
    Illusion Sorcerer Spirit
    Illusion Sorcerer Spirit신규 이벤트맵 4 (레벨 351~380) - Illusion Temple Map 4 (Level 251-380)
    82 100 520 540 400 280 - - -
    Illusion Sorcerer Spirit
    Illusion Sorcerer Spirit신규 이벤트맵 5 (레벨 381~399) - Illusion Temple Map 5 (Level 281-399)
    85 100 595 615 450 275 - - -
    Illusion Sorcerer Spirit
    Illusion Sorcerer Spirit신규 이벤트맵 5 (레벨 381~399) - Illusion Temple Map 5 (Level 281-399)
    85 100 615 635 470 303 - - -
    Illusion Sorcerer Spirit
    Illusion Sorcerer Spirit신규 이벤트맵 5 (레벨 381~399) - Illusion Temple Map 5 (Level 281-399)
    87 100 635 655 490 335 - - -
    Illusion Sorcerer Spirit
    Illusion Sorcerer Spirit신규 이벤트맵 6 (레벨 400)- Illusion Temple Map 6 (Level 400)
    112 100 720 740 550 405 - - -
    Illusion Sorcerer Spirit
    Illusion Sorcerer Spirit신규 이벤트맵 6 (레벨 400)- Illusion Temple Map 6 (Level 400)
    112 100 740 760 570 440 - - -
    Illusion Sorcerer Spirit
    Illusion Sorcerer Spirit신규 이벤트맵 6 (레벨 400)- Illusion Temple Map 6 (Level 400)
    114 100 760 780 590 485 - - -

    What reward will you get from Event monsters or what will be the reward for success?

    Image Jewel name
    Jewel of Bless
    Basic Jewels - Jewels are the most expensive items of MU. Mostly used as an ingredient item for combination or crafting recipe and Items upgrades
    Jewel of Soul
    Basic Jewels - Jewels are the most expensive items of MU. Mostly used as an ingredient item for combination or crafting recipe and Items upgrades
    Jewel of Life
    Basic Jewels - Jewels are the most expensive items of MU. Mostly used as an ingredient item for combination or crafting recipe and Items upgrades
    Option Ore Piece
    Custom Impure Jewels - These items are additional added to server drop. These items are collect on events only. Used only for creating Jewels
    Image Common Item name
    Mastery Box(Minor)
    Custom Quests - These items are additional added to server to increase quest amount
    Image Currency name Amount
    Zen can be very easily obtained, but it also holds some value. There is always a demand for Zen because its used for such a wide variety of things in the game! High level players spend a lot of Zen repairing their expensive equipment and attempting to craft expensive items! This, in turn, is good for the low level player! There are certain items in the game that can be collected and sold to an NPC as a method of earning Zen easily! If you collect enough Zen (at least 200.000.000), you could likely buy some jewels with it!
    1,000,000 Zen
    Zen can be very easily obtained, but it also holds some value. There is always a demand for Zen because its used for such a wide variety of things in the game! High level players spend a lot of Zen repairing their expensive equipment and attempting to craft expensive items! This, in turn, is good for the low level player! There are certain items in the game that can be collected and sold to an NPC as a method of earning Zen easily! If you collect enough Zen (at least 200.000.000), you could likely buy some jewels with it!
    1,000 Zen
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